Monday, April 16, 2012

Book Review: The God With Sore Legs

Adrian McCartney invites you on a journey, in more senses than one. The first journey is very impressive - as he sets off to cycle around the coast of Ireland. In the style of some of the best travel writers, Adrian vividly portrays the thought process that led to the start of the journey (with a few hours' notice!), as well as the places and people he encounters along the way. There's lots of humour, plenty of craic, and the undoubted pleasure of a bag of chips and a can of coke after a hard day's cycling.

Yet as the pace slows along the country coastal roads of this island, Adrian brings the reader on another journey, to discover the God with sore legs - Jesus, exhausted after a long walk, sitting by the well in Samaria. Each chapter presents another look at Jesus, as encountered in John's gospel. At times, there were some details I didn't necessarily follow or agree with, but on the whole, there's lots to consider, and the book provides a compelling and helpful introduction to Jesus.

It's perhaps geared towards those who don't know Jesus, but even those who have known Jesus for a long time will be blessed as they perch on the back of Adrian's bike and listen in to his stories and the story of Jesus. Here are just a few tasters to whet your appetite:

'Let's consider grace for a few moments before considering it for the rest of our lives.'

'Not following him does not make you a bad person. You already were!LOL.'

'Faith can never just be a matter of believing. It is also about acknowledging and declaring. Nicodemus was beginning to acknowledge where his journey had brought him.'

The God With Sore Legs is available from The Good Book Shop (in paper copy) and the Kindle store.

1 comment :

  1. adrian mccartney16 April, 2012 09:19

    Thank you - I enjoyed your review, especially the tasters. This book has been a bit like a sermon; people thank you for something you said that really helped and you don't remember having said it or even thought it.
