Monday, June 05, 2006

Pentecost Sunday

Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday, but for me, it was slightly strange not hearing it mentioned until the evening. I was at the Presby's again yesterday morning, and really enjoyed the service and the sermon by Gary Truman on the Church.

It was just slightly strange not thinking about Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit...

For the evening service, we went to the Cathedral, where Pentecost was on the agenda! Stephen was preaching on Ezekiel 36, a really good sermon on how the sign of the Holy Spirit's working isn't just in the extraordinary events of Acts 2 and speaking in tongues etc, but that the Holy Spirit can be seen more in the 'ordinary' as people obey God through the Spirit in them, and that the Spirit comes to bring glory to God first and foremost.

In SNYF, I was looking at Daniel, and conducted a whistle-stop tour of the first 6 chapters of Daniel (the narrative section), including the fiery furnace, Nebuchadnezzar's dreams, and the lion's den... which reminds me, I'm meant to be writing some more of those for the blog... they'll come in due time!

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