Sunday, January 17, 2010

have a heART for Haiti

Like just about everyone else, I've been watching the news footage from Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake. Shocking pictures, as we see once again the unruly power of the groaning pains of the creation as it waits for re-creation and the freedom of the glory ofthe children of God. So many lives lost, so much devastation.

The aid response has been swift - £12 million given in the UK in the first two days, yet so much more needs to be done. In St Elizabeth's, we're having a retiring offering today and next week for the work of the Disasters Emergency Committee. Meanwhile Faye and Cathy have a crafty way to help the victims. They're organising a sale of art, photography and crafts to raise money for Haiti. You can did more information over at their Flickr sites: Faye and Cathy. I'll keep you updated here on the blog as well.

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