Monday, March 14, 2005

Weekends... and Passiontide

So here we are again. Quite a bit of time has lapsed since the last post, because I have just been so busy. The youth weekend I was talking about in the last post went really well- over 200 people at it, although I was wrecked after it. Then, as a glutton for punishment, I had another youth weekend immediately after it. This time, it was my own YF, and the weekend was in Annalong, on the south Down coast. So once again, there was little sleep had, and plenty of laughs at silly, messy and scary games.

This past weekend was a bit quieter, although I still didn't have much time to sit about and relax. I managed to win at 10-pin bowling again with some of the people I go to BB Camp with, but the evening was good (without needing the win to boost my ego!).

We're now in Passiontide, the two weeks before Easter, when we remember especially the events of the Passion, when Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. This is quite a sombre time for me, as I prepare for preaching in the Cathedral on Thursday and Good Friday. But the sadness comes to an end with Easter Sunday, when we recall Jesus' rising again from the dead, having defeated death and sin.

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