Thursday, November 26, 2009

McFlurry's McLinks (10)

It's time for another batch of McLinks straight from McFlurry's Google Reader and web browsing.

We're doing some Christmas doorstep and street evangelism in Dundonald next month, so I noticed some resources and discussions on evangelism: Dave Matthias talks about the "plod of God"; Mark Driscoll has some ideas on Christmas sermons.

Also on a Christmas theme (and before December...) The Simple Pastor shares resources for a Simple Christmas. The Church Mouse similarly wonders about an affordable Christmas, and Dave Keen has some Advent resources.

If you hurry, you can still get a free audiobook of John Piper's Desiring God. (H/T to Erik Raymond). Meanwhile, Adrian Warnock shared the link to the free iPhone app from Logos Bible Software. All this talk of technology reminds me of Al Mohler's article on the hypersocialized generation, and Carl Trueman's comments on blogs (ironically on Stafford Carson's blog!)

My previous post was on The Hobbit, but Dave Keen linked to a map of the plot of Lord of the Rings.

James Cary has a great post on the Dogmatic Atheists and the new advertising campaign.

Kevin De Young considers a liberal review of a conservative church (Philadephia's Tenth Presbyterian where Philip Ryken ministers), the New Gospel, and again discusses homosexuality in a clear and biblical manner. Tim Challies had a series on Sexual Detox which is now available as an e-book.

On preaching, Colin Adams shares Dale Ralph Davis' Old Testament Crib Sheet, while De Young considers being yourself.

I'm still enjoying the posts from Stuff Christians Like, here's one on staring at the choir, and another on having Saviour moments. Shallowfrozenwater considers the precious perfume.

Today is Thanksgiving in America, and Kevin De Young considers Saint Paul's Thanksgivings.

Sometimes the video in the McFlurry's McLinks is humorous, but today, this is a fantastic Reformed rap, The Greatest Story Ever Told from Shai Linne:

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