Here's another selection of links, carefully chosen. Enjoy.
The New Year Resolutions may be a distant memory, but Ordinary Pastor gives some gospel encouragement. This will also encourage you, as the Kimyal people receive the Bible for the first time.
On culture, Scrabo Power asks if celebrities are the new fall guys. Trevin Wax shares a video from ER on a dying patient wanting a real chaplain and real forgiveness. Failbook explains why we need to be off Facebook. They also reveal the truth about Facebook photos. The Confessing Student Worker thinks about the new store in Belfast promising happiness in every stitch. Fred Sanders looks at the self-religion of Lady Gaga.
I can't drink the stuff, but Abraham Piper has a diagram of what's in your coffee.
The Road to Elder Ado shared some embarrassing moments. Still with ministry, The Proclaimer asks about the preacher's sideswipes. Unashamed Workman finds joy in the difficult sermon passage.
This amusing video shows us just how far we've come since 1994 (HT), when they were asking what's the internet?
Gary, Re: The Proclaimer "Preachers in Goatland". In this world where preaching Bible truths is so un-PC. LOL. Thanks, I needed that this morning.