Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Brussels here we come!

Well, we're now at the night before Brussels. So far I still haven't packed... that will be done at some point in the morning - if I can't remember it at the last minute, it isn't important. Although, of course, I daren't forget my passport. Cos then I wouldn't get further than airport security...

The main purpose of the trip is to visit the European Parliament building in Brussels. I've been there before, but this visit is being sponsored by Jim Allister MEP. Each MEP has a certain fund to allow community groups and other groups of people to visit the parliament each year - so if you're in the EU, get on to your MEP and get a trip!!!

Other than that, there isn't much other news to tell at present. So I'll finish for now... but check back soon for the updates on Brussels, if I find an internet cafe... or if not, when I come back!

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