Tuesday, February 27, 2007


It's been a couple of days since the last update, mostly because the essays are keeping me working away... On Friday I was in the position of having two weeks of term left, and four essays to be done by then. Now tonight, I'm in the position of having three essays to do - one completely planned, one partially planned, and the other I have a fair idea of where I'm going with it.

So hopefully by tomorrow night I will have the Old Testament essay conquered, and may even have started writing up one of the other ones. But that might be a bit too optimistic. Especially seeing as today we were given loads of reading for a seminar on Thursday, and Carmen and me have to present it and talk about it (as well as some of the Trinity students). Fun times ahead...

Nothing else to report, really... other than me looking forward to the break of three weeks! Hurray! The first will be spent in Scotland, and the rest has yet to be thought about - hopefully some lie ins, and some random drives...

Further thoughts from Nehemiah will be coming soon, if I find time to post them!

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