Tuesday, June 02, 2009

McFlurry's McLinks (3)

Another quick recap of the best blogs I've read in the past fortnight or so.

Most recently, Alan in Belfast reviews a mystery play at Queens.

As Robert and the gang finish off in Dublin, Unashamed Workman tells how Chinese students learn how to preach.

Looking back over previous blogs can be an interesting exercise, and Unfurling Flower humbly reflects on three years of blogging.

The major convergence of material seems to have been focused on the micro-blogging media Twitter. Josh Harris kicked it off by asking the question if we should use Twitter in Church. Both John Piper and his son Abraham responded, and later, and I think unconnected to the previous, James Cary thought about Twittering.

Irish Calvinist shares a list of ten people pastors should fear.

And finally, David Keen of St Aidan to Abbey Manor has been compiling a series of video clips of comedians talking about God.

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for the link ... I'm slightly behind with feeds and only catching up now!
