Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Quote of the Day: Missionary Motivation

I'm currently reading Helen Roseveare's book 'Give Me This Mountain.' It recounts her experiences and things the Lord taught her as she offered herself for missionary work in the Congo. This piece of advice was given to her by Jack Scholes when she arrived in Congo:

If you think you have come to the mission field because you are a little better than others, or as the cream of your church, or because of your medical degree, or for the service you can render the African church, or even for the souls you may see saved, you will fail. Remember, the Lord has only one purpose ultimately for each one of us, to make us more like Jesus. He is interested in your relationship with Himself. Let Him take you and mould you as He will; all the rest will take its rightful place.

1 comment :

  1. So true Gary, I am constantly being challenged by my life that I am not "God's Gift". I'm using God's gifts. It would be oh sooo easy to bask in the praise at times! To be honest I believe God puts certain situations in my life to keep my feet on the ground and keep me humble.
    Yes, where have the years gone? Will you be continuing the blog? Hope so. It's part of my relaxation ritual.
