Monday, May 22, 2006

Exam Weeks

So the exam weeks are finally here - and the second and third years have both been examined already. That joy will be mine tomorrow, as we sit our Systematics paper. Three hours to answer four questions on the basic dotrines of the Christian faith, and on how we can approach God - the sources of theology and such like.

So today, I haven't really done much revision - to be honest, I'm fairly confident I'll be able to pass the exams, between what I have already learned and remembered from lectures, what I know, and what I'll read tomorrow morning on the LUAS (tram system in Dublin). Instead, I met up with Michael Potter, from TWN (Training for Women Network). We were at university together, and in fact, he was the only person in our year to get a First in Politics... (so yeah, I didn't get one!). We ended up working together on a couple of research projects in the victims' sector, Michael as the researcher, and me one of the working party, advising him on his approach in the sector. But with me being out of the sector (although my return is immanent!), I haven't seen him in a while. So it was good to catch up again.

I also found that this morning I was able to catch up with a lot of paperwork, and letters which had to be written, and cheques that needed posting. So all that is done, but I still have a list of 'to do' items as long as your arm on my desk... to be done after the exam tomorrow though.

So I'd better be off here - it'll be Evening Prayer soon in the Chapel, then dinner, then I'll have a quick look over my stuff and try for an early night as it will be a shocking early start in the morning to be in Trinity for 9am at the latest... aaaaagh!

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