A while back, I wrote a brief review of Crawford Gribben's book 'Rapture Fiction' - but there was a website mentioned in it that Stewart and me thought was funny, as we talked about it on the bus (sorry, coach - as Trevor the driver kept reminding us!). The website is called Rapture Ready, and the interesting feature is the Rapture Index - one guy's observations of the political and worldwide climate, converted into an index of how likely the rapture is.
The news is that today's index is showing 156 - not the highest it has been this year, but still in the high category! Come, Lord Jesus!
Interesting blog. You would surely enjoy looking up "The Rapture Index (Mad Theology)" while Googling. Also "Thomas Ice (Bloopers)" and "Pretrib Rapture Diehards." Lord bless. J.E.