Monday, September 04, 2006

Rapture Ready?

A while back, I wrote a brief review of Crawford Gribben's book 'Rapture Fiction' - but there was a website mentioned in it that Stewart and me thought was funny, as we talked about it on the bus (sorry, coach - as Trevor the driver kept reminding us!). The website is called Rapture Ready, and the interesting feature is the Rapture Index - one guy's observations of the political and worldwide climate, converted into an index of how likely the rapture is.

The news is that today's index is showing 156 - not the highest it has been this year, but still in the high category! Come, Lord Jesus!

1 comment :

  1. Interesting blog. You would surely enjoy looking up "The Rapture Index (Mad Theology)" while Googling. Also "Thomas Ice (Bloopers)" and "Pretrib Rapture Diehards." Lord bless. J.E.
