Thursday, April 20, 2006

Essay Update

Hurray! Another essay has been completed - just two more to go before next Friday! This one was the book review on 'Ministry in Three Dimensions' by Steven Croft - looking at the ideas behind diakonia (service ministry), presbyteros (the ministry of Word and sacrament), and episcope (the ministry of oversight), and how we should seek to have a balance of each of these concepts in our own ministry - of whatever office or none.

The two remaining, therefore, are New Testament, which is going to be a look at the Epistle to the Hebrews, and it's use of the Old Testament - looking at the significance of the quotations, and how they are used to support the arguments of the book. Hopefully it will be easy enough to write. The other will be a look at Archbishop Ussher (him of the creation of the world on the 23rd October 4004 BC or so fame), looking at his role in the Irish Articles, and their contribution to wider Anglicanism, and their influence on the 39 Articles, and the present Church of Ireland. Well, that's my intention at this stage, before I research or write, but that could all change by next Thursday when I'm desperately trying to write it up!

On one other point of exciting news, congratulations are due to Gareth and Ruth Harron on the birth of their first child - Annabelle Rebecca. I can't wait to see her on Sunday!

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