Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Essays and Exams...

So here I am... Tuesday afternoon of my last week of First Year, and still with those essays to do. I did start typing this afternoon, but it is slow going, as I can't seem to get into the right frame of mind for writing on the Irish Articles (1615). I think what is even more annoying is that I might be too picky, with lots of footnotes which need referenced etc... So far I have done 700 words, and am just about ready to write about the contents of the Articles, before moving on to consider their impact and significance.

This period of the Church of Ireland was really interesting - as the Articles were more Calvinist (stating the belief that God had indeed predestined and chosen those who would be saved, with the logical reverse that those who were not elect had also been 'elected' to their ultimate destination). But even more so, the Gospel was the primary focus of the puritan church at the time, when gospel ministers were accepted into the church to do the work of the gospel, no matter their opinions on church government. So, for about 20 years, you had the situation where Presbyterian clergy could work within the Anglican church, in order to evangelise the country. Oh that we would again be in the situation where the gospel was the primary motivation for church order and business, where evangelicals in all denominations worked together for the good of the gospel, rather than their own denominational loyalty or group, and where those without Christ would be reached with the gospel in our land, both north and south.

If you're interested in this matter, then you might want to have a read at the Irish Reformation Blog, or read Crawford Gribben's book on The Irish Puritans.

But while my essays go on, others are already in exams. This week and next are Lynsey's exams, so let's hope they go well. All the best, my darling!

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