Monday, May 09, 2005

Night time...

Oh yeah, just another quick one. And no, don't worry, it isn't a report on my sleepwalking for a change. But possibly something a wee bit more annoying, and strange! Newtownstewart sometimes doesn't have great phone reception with O2, which can lead to problems [for example, the night that I arrived and couldn't make my customary phone call & text home to let mum and gran know I had arrived, which led to tremendous panic on their part, leading mum to ring Strabane PSNI station to see if there had been any accidents along the road...].

But last night, I hadn't received any messages after I arrived in Newtownstewart. For a wee while I thought that it must be because no one wanted to text, but there is normally at least one that comes in... So that was ok - I was tired, and went to sleep, and managed to sleep well. until O2 decided to deliver my texts, one after the other, at 2.05am... The messages had been sent in the period 23.00 - 23.30 or so, but didn't come through until I was asleep. Aaaaaagh!

The strange thing, though, is that I have developed a way of texting in my sleep - I can wake up enough to read the message and form a (hopefully) intelligent reply, but when I waken the next day, I have to check my sent message folder to see if I did actually send texts, and my inbox to see if I remember rightly that there were messages came in...

So if you ever send me a message late at night, and the reply is a bit unusual, it could be a 'sleep-text'!

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